
Thought of liberation in early Buddhist philosophy and Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy of life: comparative analysis - Bui Thi Lien, Bui Quang Hung, Mai K Da (2023)

Bui Thi Lien, Bui Quang Hung, Mai K Da (2023), Thought of liberation in early Buddhist philosophy and Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy of life: comparative analysis, in Transformation of the modern model of scientific activity: tasks, problems, prospects: Proceedings based on the results of All-russian scientific and practical conference with international participation (Novosibirsk, December 06, 2023). - Sterlitamak: AMI, 2023, ISBN 978-5-907808-07-2, pp. 145-150.

Abstract: Early Buddhism is a highly unique phenomenon of human thought. Itsdevelopment influenced many philosophers, including Arthur Schopenhauer (1778 -1860), a 19th - century German idealist philosopher. He inherited and deeply absorbedthe Buddhist outlook on life besides Christian asceticism and Vedic philosophy. Theexplanations about the position and role of humans in that world in early Buddhism andArthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy of life have similarities and unique nuances. In thispaper, we want to initially point out the similarities and differences in the thought ofliberation in early Buddhist philosophy and Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy.

Keywords: Thought of liberation, early Buddhism, modern Western philosophy,suffering, ego.

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